Ali Moloney Mindfulness & Yoga in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

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Mindfulness Courses and Workshops for Stress and Wellbeing

I teach people to apply mindfulness to manage the inevitable ups and downs of every day life, and to allow growth of their inner potential.

I have taught mindfulness to members of the general public, companies such as Amazon, John Lewis Partnership, to Mental health charities (Sport in Mind & Pause), and I teach at a private mental health clinic.

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Mindfulness for Business

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of Mindfulness is that it helps us to avoid getting bogged down and overwhelmed by stress. The well-being of people at work is the greatest determining factor of how well the organisation performs. Mindfulness can help people to be happier, more productive, more creative and to communicate more effectively.

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Mindfulness for Individuals or Groups

The MBSM (Mindfulness to manage stress and build resilience) courses run throughout the year. These courses are all inclusive.

Courses generally run for 6 weeks - one session per week (1-2 hour duration) (+ some home practice). Workshops vary and can be tailored to suit. The 6 week programme is designed to help participants to:

  • Feel calmer, and to manage stress more effectively
  • Develop greater focus and attention
  • Improve emotional intelligence E.Q (less reactivity, better communication)
  • Clearer and more creative thinking
  • Improve levels of resilience
  • Improve your level of health and well-being

"There's a greater need today than ever before to engage in Mindfulness Practice. Mindfulness practice within organisations creates cultural change, better leaders, and less sick days. The greatest ecconomists have realised that Mindfulness and gratitude are essential for growth."

Dacher Keltner Professor of neurophysiology Berkeley University of California speaking at the Mindfulness and compassion at work summit.

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