Ali Moloney Mindfulness & Yoga in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

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Have you ever been told to stop frowning, or to drop your shoulders and not realised that this was happening?

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Yoga teaching

Yoga is mindfulness for the body. However, a tense body communicates its tension to the brain. In living our lives in a mild degree of alarm our attention is directed automatically to our surroundings, we lose touch with our body, and the signals it gives us.

I teach students to move in a way to restore and gain an overall sense of well-being in a non-competitive and safe environment. I hope my classes are meaningful, mindful, nurturing and fun.

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Yoga in the workplace

I am very keen to promote well-being mindfulness and yoga into the workplace. 80% of the western world has a back problem at some stage in their life. Often we're stressed before we even notice the signals in the body. Yoga in the workplace gives people the opportunity to move mindfully.

Contact me to find out more

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