Ali Moloney Mindfulness & Yoga in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire

Qualifications. tree-2-fw


  • Teacher Training with Shamash Alidina (author of Mindfulness for Dummies)
  • Teaching Mindfulness in Schools programme with MISP
  • Other Courses with Breathworks and Mindspace.
  • I continue to take part in further training following worldwide summits on mindful leadership and compassion in the workplace.

Qualifications. yoga-2-fw


FRYOG Teacher Trained which is part of Yoga Alliance. I have been practising and teaching for many years.

Other teachers:

  • Dr Alastair Reece (Specialist in mindfulness & yoga for pain management)
  • Billy Doyle (Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition)
  • Manmoyanand (my teacher in India)
  • Many other teachers.

I attend weekend retreats and workshops per year to ensure I am fully up to date with the latest guidelines and teaching standards. In this way I ensure that my CPD and teaching practice is fully conversant with my students needs and safety. I am a FRYOG member, which is part of the Yoga Alliance and covers compliance and standards for yoga teaching.

Qualifications. lightbulb-white

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