Ali Moloney Mindfulness & Yoga in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire


"Excellent session - I really got a sense of my body and learned how to zone out of my busy thoughts."

Alex - John Lewis Partnership Workshop

"“Ali was really welcoming and gave an excellent explanation of everything, her voice is really soothing to listen to."

Emily - John Lewis Partnership Workshop

"Ali really brought the subject to life - wish it could have been longer."

Rosemarie - John Lewis Partnership Workshop

"Great balance of theory and practical - more please!"

Zoe - John Lewis Partnership Workshop

"Really enjoyable session with fantastic take home techniques I can use day to day."

Katherine - Amazon Workshop

"Excellent teacher, really good intro to mindfulness - wish we had more time with you."

Hannah - Amazon Workshop

"Great instructor, very easy to follow and learned so much in a short session, lovely relaxing voice."

Olivia - Amazon Workshop

"Really helped me to break down misconceptions about meditation and being aware."

Sej - Amazon workshop

"Wonderful clear teaching, an amazing experience with so much useful content."

Suzie - MBSM course

"Learning how to use my body as a way to awareness and understanding the concept of feelings and thoughts, really powerful."

Ana - MBSM course

"A brilliant course - learning great skills, everyone should learn and use it. Couldn't have asked for a better teacher."

Faye - MBSM course

"The course has taught me how to find clarity so that solutions present themselves easily, and Ali excels as a teacher."

Veerinder - MBSM course

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